

In Marx's, "The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte" Marx takes us through his views on history's cycle by providing historical examples to demonstrate his points. Marx sees the progression of history as something that is constantly born out of the dead to be awoken with new life, while at the same not being able to escape from the imprint that the previous generation had made. Marx uses the middle of the 19th century to show how the various phases of the French Revolution progressed in a cycle of change. One quote that stood out was "Society is saved just as often as the circle of its rulers contracts, as a more exclusive interest is maintained against a wider one" (Marx 602). This is a smaller line that is more helpful to me then a lot of the drawn out paragraphs that Marx seems to get carried away with. He makes good use of using specific history as an example of how he thinks of history in a broader sense, but perhaps he over explains things to the point where his more convincing statements are hidden amongst the whole of the essay.

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