
PHRASE Just fucking

Queers are the living incarnate of death, the (un)canny, the undead. Queers produce no life. Queers are the antithesis of function. Queers are the Other. Or is queerness just a different interpretation of the same thing? Just fucking. Homosexuals don't have the option of hiding behind procreation when they're horny. They appear "unnatural" as they represent the reflection of society. And this reflection is ugly. But why? Is the reflection actually ugly or is it the truth that hurts? They aren't the Other in the mirror, they are what we are, what we won't be, the way that we are forced to look at ourselves. "Thus is narcissim [narcissism of the Other] the source of the malevolence with with the subject regards its image, the aggressivity it unleashes on all its own representations." (51) Homosexuals mirror the stripped heterosexual desire that they do not want to admit to. "No fucking could ever effect such creation: all sensory experience, all pleasure of the flesh"(41).

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