
PHRASE: Almost the same but not white: the visibility of mimicry is always produced...

"Almost the same but not white: the visibility of mimicry is always produced at the site of interdiction.  It is a form of colonial discourse that is uttered inter dicta: a discourse at the crossroads of what is known and permissible and that which though known must be kept concealed."  I think Bhabha is saying that we may look one way and act another.  Mimicry would be someone of one dissent acting and following the rules of another.  We can try to be what we are not to fit in but by doing so we are only mimicking and not being truly ourselves.  Also, since we are only imitating there is no way to keep up the behavior without finally giving in and becoming ourselves or being "found out."  We try to imitate to prevent certain things from happening but those things are going to happen whether we are acting one way or acting another.  

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